Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Possible Title Fonts

these are just a few of the fonts i looked at, i tried to get one that looked 'gangster' ish.

Monday, 8 February 2010

New name for magzine

After recent thought about my magazine name i have decided to change the name to 'G'. I chose this because it ties in with Hip Hop quite nicely, many rappers/artist who make Hip Hop music have a bad man/rude boy appearance. For example Biggie Smalls or Tupac, they both come across as very gangster, which is where i got the G idea from.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Contents Page

Colour Schemes

I really like the idea of having a grey colour scheme, not only do i think it looks good but i think its how Hip-Hop is portrayed in a way. This is a really good example which i like alot, the blue goes really well with the grey and think this piece is very effective.

Colour Schemes

Magazine Analysis

This is probably one of the best magazine covers i could find to try and show what ideas ive got in mind. I really like the 'cartoony' effect it has, something like this is what im after. i dont want the cartoon element to over power the magazine but i would like there to be an aspect of it in there and i think this one does it well, it looks good, easy to read and goes really well.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Further Inspiration

All these pictures are by one of my favourite artist Kaws. I studied him last year at GCSE art and really like his work, i like it because he draws cartoons which i like and would probably choose to draw myself, however he adds a twist if you like, he puts crooses across the eyes and sometimes a bone through the head. Kaws doesnt just do cartoons, he does models and figures aswell as many other things. These look really effective and i would like some aspect of this in my magazone.

Mood Board

Media Mood Board